
Fo Tiao Qiang


100g golden shark's fins
100g fish maw
100g sea cucumber
4 dried scallops
4 dried abalones
4 chicken feet
80g Jinhua ham
1 mature chicken
500g spareribs
ginger, spring onion as desired
Soak shark's fins in water for 2 hours. Then boil in water for 1/2 housr. Soak into cold water briefly. Rinse well to remove the sand.
Put shark's fins onto a bamboo mat. Arrange sliced ginger on top. Steam over boiling water for 1/2 hour. Then soak the shark's fins in cold water for a few hous. Discard the ginger.
Soak dried sea cucumber in water for 2 hours. Boil it in water for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and cover the lid. Leave it for 1 day. Drain and refill with tap water. Leave it for another day.
Cut open the sea cucumber and discard all innards. Rinse well and put it back into a pot. Fill the pot with water and bring to the boil. Cover the lid and leave it to cool. Repeat this last step several times. Boil it in water with sliced ginger for 10 minutes. Put it into pieces.


Salt, pepper as desired
Boil fish maw with ginger and spring onion for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and cover for the lid. Leave it overnight. Drain and wash.
Soak dried abalones in water overnight. Cook in boiling water for a while. Turn off the heat and cover the lid. Leave it briefly. Then rinse well to remove the sand.
Boil the abalones with water, sliced ginger and Shaoxing wine for 1/2 hour. Cover the lid and leave them for a while to remove the fishy taste.
Scald the chicken, spareribs and Jinhua ham.
Boil 10 cups of water. Put in the chicken, spareribs, Jinhua hame and abalones. Cook for 4 hours. Save the abalones and Jinhua ham. Strain the soup. Discard the rest of the solid ingredients.
Put the abalones, Jinhua ham, soup from step 5 and all remaining ingredients into a pot. Stew over boiling water for 3 hours.

菲律賓駐港領事館外傭牌照: MWOHK-2024-375-124
印尼駐港領事館外傭牌照: 98917.001.I.2025
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