
Housework Occupational Safety and Health (Employers tips)

Points-to-note and occupational safety and health regarding other types of domestic duties

While domestic duties may look simple, there are various potential occupational safety and health hazards, for example, musculoskeletal disorders due to improper postures, electric shock accidents caused by inappropriate use of electrical appliances, cuts or scalds while working in the kitchen, etc.

Cooking –

There are a lot of hot utensils and food in the kitchen. Carelessnessmay cause burns or scalds.

Employers should teach FDHs to use the cooking stove at home and remind them to adjust the flame to a suitable level while cooking to keep it from getting too strong.

If liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cooker is used, employers should remind FDHs how to store LPG cylinders.

Employers can provide insulated gloves if FDHs have to handle hot and boiling things.

Using electrical appliances –

FDHs may frequently use electrical appliances when performing household chores. Damaged or improper use of electrical

appliances may lead to accidents.

Employers should regularly check whether the electrical appliances are functioning properly and whether the electric wires are damaged. Electrical appliances that may have electricity leakage should be replaced.

Employers should inform FDHs of the socket locations at home and avoid using extension units.

Employers should advise FDHs to grip the plug and never pull the wire when unplugging.

Using chemicals –

Cleaning is an important work process of domestic

duties. It often involves the use of chemicals (such as disinfectants and cleansing agents). These chemicals are potential hazards and improper use may injure FDHs or even cause fatalities (such as

inhaling toxic gases, etc.). 

Employers should consider using less hazardous chemicals and educate FDHs on the safe use of them.

Employers should ensure that FDHs are familiar with and adopt the proper methods of use and safety measures for various types of chemicals, such as keeping away from fire when using these products and refraining from randomly mixing different chemicals.

Employers should provide proper personal protective gears such as

gloves, masks, goggles, etc., for FDHs to wear when using chemicals.

Chemicals should be securely covered and properly stored in a shaded, dry, cool, and well-ventilated place.

Pay attention to personal hygiene. Do not eat or drink when using chemicals and wash the hands, arms, and face after use. 

Manual handling operations –

Domestic duties often involve frequent and repetitive movements (such as propping up or holding up an elderly or a child, moving furniture, etc.) Inappriate physical exertion or improper posture will easily cause musculoskeletal disorders.

Employers should teach FDHs to adopt proper postures for lifting and carrying objects and do some stretching exercises before work or during breaks.

When propping up or holding up an elderly or a child, FDHs shouldcommunicate with them to ensure coordination of postures by bothparties.

Provide suitable tools for FDHs, such as using machinery to assist with household chores.

Sunlight Employment Agency hopes that the above latest information can help employers to understand more about occupational safety and health. 

The information provided on this website is for reference only. No express or implied warranty is given by the Sunlight Employment agency as to the accuracy of the information and will NOT be liable for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations (whether express or implied) concerning any such information.
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