
Baby's Physiological Reflex

After a healthy baby is born, some unconscious reflexes will appear after stimulation. Doctors usually use these reflexes to check the health of the baby and understand the development of the central nervous system. But these reflections began to be gradually replaced by conscious actions after a certain period of time.


1. Corneal reflex


The baby blinks when there is a sudden bright light in front of the eyes or when something touches the eyes, which is called corneal reflex.



2. Pupil reflex


When bright light is directed at the eyes, the black dot in the center of the eyeball shrinks, which is called pupil reflex.


3. Embrace the reflex


The baby is lying on his back at the end of the examination table, holding his head and neck. If suddenly lowering the head and tilting the head back 10-15 degrees at this time, the newborn will have both arms abducted and straightened, and then flexed and received the chest. The hug shape is called the hug reflex. Slaps on the mattress near the newborn's head will also trigger the hug reflex (shock).


4. Foraging reflex


A slight touch of the mouth area will turn the head to the direction of the stimulus, and there will be an obvious sucking action, which is called the foraging reflex. The foraging reflex helps babies find breasts or bottles, disappears in the first few weeks of life and is replaced by autonomous head rotation.


5. Sucking reflex


Put the nipple or other objects into the baby's mouth, the baby will have a sucking action, which is called the sucking reflex.


6. Babinski reflection times


When the soles of the feet are touched, newborns will open and bend their toes. This phenomenon is called the Babinski reflex, which is an indicator of normal nervous system development. It usually disappears between 8 months and 1 year old.


7. Holding the reflex


Grip reflex refers to the phenomenon of bending the fingers to grasp the object that touches the palm of the hand. If you put your fingers on the baby's palm, he will grasp it very tightly. This gripping force is enough to support the baby's entire weight.


8. Moro reflection


A loud noise or a sudden change in the position of the head causes the child to flick his arms outwards, his back is in a habit, and then the two arms are brought together as if to grab something, which is called the Moro reflex. It exists at birth and disappears later and is an indicator of normal nervous system development.


Changes in the movement of the arms and the back disappear within the first 4 to 6 months, but the startle reflex that continues to show when encountering sudden sounds and loss of body support will not disappear.


9. Swimming reflex


The limbs of a baby immersed in the water will actively stroke and subconsciously hold the breath (therefore, the body will be buoyant), which is called the swimming reflex. It exists at birth and disappears later and is an indicator of normal nervous system development. The swimming reflex will make the baby float on the water for a period of time, which is conducive to the rescue.


10. Step reflex


Grasp the baby's armpits to keep him in an upright position, and let his feet step on a solid surface, the baby will appear to walk. This reflex will disappear naturally after 36 weeks


11.Place reflections


This reflex is very similar to the step reflex. Hold the baby straight and let his foot touch the edge of the table, the baby will lift his foot as if he was stepping on the table. The arm also has the same reflex. When the baby's arm touches the edge of the table, he will raise his arm.


12. Creeping reflex


When you let the baby down, the baby will raise the pelvis and place the knees under the abdomen as if crawling. When he kicks, he will appear similar to crawling posture, but this is not true crawling. When the baby's feet can be stretched and lie flat, there is no longer this position.
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