
Breastfeeding guidance

               1. Guidance before feeding

(1) Before breastfeeding, change the newborn's diapers first, and avoid changing diapers during or after breastfeeding. If the newborn baby who has just eaten milk is turned over, it is easy to cause milk spillage.

(2) Prepare hot water and towels, and ask mothers to wash their hands. Use warm towels to clean the breasts for the parturient.

(3) If the breast is over-swollen, squeeze out a little milk first, and start feeding when the areola becomes soft (it is used when there is too much breast milk).


2. Breastfeeding posture guidance

(1) Maternal breastfeeding position. Let the parturient sit in a chair with a back close to the back of the chair, and let her legs sag to the ground naturally. The breastfeeding foot can be stepped on a small stool. The breastfeeding side embraces the newborn's arm with a special nursing pillow or soft pillow for household use. This position makes breastfeeding convenient and comfortable for the parturient.

(2) The method of holding the newborn and the method of nipple nipple. Instruct the parturient to support the newborn with forearms, palms and fingers to keep the newborn's head and body in a straight line. The newborn's body is turned and close to the parturient, facing the breast, and the tip of the nose is aligned with the nipple. The font supports the breast, or the index finger and middle finger are used to form a "scissors" to clamp the breast (used when the milk jet is too rapid). When breastfeeding, the nipples are used to stimulate the lips of the newborn, and when the newborn’s mouth is opened, all the nipples and most of the areola are quickly sent into the newborn’s mouth. According to the above method of nipple nipple connection can greatly reduce the possibility of nipple chapped.

(3) Withdraw from the nipple after breastfeeding. When the milk is withdrawn, press the lower jaw of the newborn with one hand, withdraw from the nipple, and then squeeze a drop of milk around the nipple and dry it. This method can make the milk form a protective film on the nipple to prevent the occurrence of nipple chapped. If chapped nipples have occurred, this method can promote the healing of the chapped nipples.

3. Guidance after feeding

Burp after breastfeeding. After breastfeeding, hold the newborn upright and gently pat the back with the hollow palm to make the newborn hiccup before letting him lie down and sleep peacefully. If the hiccups are not captured, you can hold them for a while and place them on the right side to avoid choking.


【Achieving Standards】

When the parturient is breastfeeding, the waist, back, arms, and wrists are not fatigued, the mood is happy, and the milk is discharged smoothly.

The newborn can suck effectively (the mouth of the newborn is fish-lip-shaped, the sucking action is slow and strong, the cheeks are not sunken, and the sound of swallowing can be heard)


Instruct mothers to avoid too rush of milk to avoid choking during feeding of newborns.

Prevent the breasts from blocking the nostrils of the newborn and causing asphyxia of the newborn.

Avoid chapped nipples caused by incorrect posture.

【Tools and Materials】

Chairs, pedals or stools, nursing pillows, clean towels.


【related information】

1. Breastfeeding on both sides of the breast should be performed alternately in sequence, and the time for the newborn to suck the nipple should not be too long (one side should not exceed 20 minutes).

2. Newborns should not be allowed to sleep with their nipples in their mouths to prevent nipple chapped or even asphyxia of newborns.

3. Breastfeeding should follow the principle of early breastfeeding and breastfeeding on demand (there is no time limit and frequency limit).

4. Criterion for judging whether breast milk is sufficient: it can make newborns sleep quietly for about half an hour/each time, stool frequency reaches 2-6 times/day, it is golden paste, the frequency of urination is about 10 times/day, and the weight gain is 30 -50g/day, increase by 600-1000g in the first month. If newborn babies cannot meet the above standards, appropriate addition of formula milk should be considered.            

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