
Pre-pregnancy physical examination for couples

               In order to have a healthy baby in the future, an important step before the husband and wife prepares to give birth is to go to the hospital to consult a doctor, conduct a comprehensive pre-pregnancy examination, clarify the health status, identify the risk factors that may affect the pregnancy outcome, and treat it in time if abnormalities are found. To ensure that both spouses plan pregnancy in the best health condition.

Items to be checked by the wife:

Reproductive system examination

Content: Routine screening of leucorrhea for trichomoniasis, mold, mycoplasma, chlamydia infection, vaginal inflammation, and gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Purpose: To determine whether you are suffering from gynecological infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. If there is, it needs to be treated thoroughly before pregnancy, otherwise it will cause miscarriage, premature birth and other dangers.

TORCH (Toxoplasma gondii, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus) test

Purpose: To determine whether there is infection and immunity.

General blood test

Contents: blood routine, fasting blood glucose, liver function, kidney function, hepatitis B virus (five items of hepatitis B), hepatitis C virus, syphilis and AIDS tests, anti-endometrial antibodies, anti-sperm antibodies, etc.

Purpose: Find abnormalities and treat them in time. If it is a hepatitis patient, the hepatitis virus can be directly transmitted to the fetus after pregnancy, causing adverse consequences such as premature birth. If infected with syphilis, children with miscarriage, stillbirth, and congenital syphilis may occur.

Gynecological endocrine examination

Contents: Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Prolactin, Cortisol, etc.

Purpose: To determine whether the endocrine function of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovary is normal.

Blood type check

Content: ABO blood type, Rh blood type.

Objective: To avoid unexplained miscarriage and ABO hemolysis in infants.

Trace element detection

Contents: calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin B12, folic acid

Purpose: Early detection of the deficiency of trace elements, reasonable nutrition, balanced diet, supplementation of nutrients and trace elements such as folic acid, iodine, iron, calcium, etc.; prevention of fetal neural tube defects caused by vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency.

Urine routine

Purpose: Contribute to the early diagnosis and early treatment of urinary tract infections, kidney diseases and diabetes, and avoid the harm to the fetus caused by the treatment during pregnancy and the aggravation of the disease, which endangers the life safety of pregnant women.

Oral examination

Purpose: To detect dental caries and periodontal diseases as early as possible to avoid the influence of medication during pregnancy on the fetus.

Chromosome examination

Purpose: Many common congenital malformations and chronic diseases have their genetic basis. If there is an abnormality in the chromosome examination before pregnancy, you should consult a genetics expert and determine whether you can have children based on the results of the examination.

Cervical Exfoliation Cytology

Purpose: To determine whether you have cervical lesions. If so, you should get pregnant after treatment.

Items to be checked by the husband:

Reproductive system examination

Purpose: To determine whether you are suffering from infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases through inspections, secretions, blood tests, etc. If there is, it needs to be treated first.

Semen examination

Purpose: To judge the current fertility status, to predict sperm motility and whether there is less sperm, weak sperm, or azoospermia. If sperm motility is not enough, nutrition should be supplemented; if oligospermia, asthenospermia, and azoospermia occur, they should quit smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits, actively treat them, analyze the reasons, and then decide whether to use assisted reproductive technology.

In addition to the above two special tests, other tests that the husband needs to do include blood tests and urine routines.

special reminder:

①A general physical examination is not a substitute for a pre-pregnancy examination.

②Before women with a history of unexplained miscarriage become pregnant again, in addition to the above-mentioned general pre-pregnancy examinations, they should also undergo ovarian function tests and fallopian tube angiography to determine whether there are uterine malformations and lesions, whether there is laxity of the cervix, and whether there is uterine adhesions, etc. .

③For women of childbearing age, perform X-ray examinations of the lower abdomen and pelvis. Day rule". Men should also minimize exposure to X-rays before childbirth, because a small amount of X-ray irradiation can reduce the number of sperm.            

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