
Four methods of music prenatal education

               1. Humming resonance method.

Pregnant women hum a few songs every day, preferably a lyrical song or a lullaby. Singing should be in a good mood and full of emotions. Through the harmonious vibration of the singing, your little one will have a feeling of "the world is beautiful" and can get emotional and feeling satisfaction.

2. Music edification method.

When the mother listens to music many times a day, she will have many beautiful associations, as if she has entered a wonderful state, and this feeling can be transmitted to the fetus through the pregnant woman's neurohumoral fluid.

3. The method of instilling utensils.

Putting the earphones on the pregnant woman's abdomen and playing music that the fetus loves can also get good results, but don't let the fetus listen too tired every time.

4. The "singing" method of mother and child.

Although the fetus can hear, it cannot sing after all. Pregnant women can imagine that the baby in their womb can sing. You can start with the notes, and then teach some simple music scores, and through repeated teaching to sing, the fetus will produce memory imprints.            

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