In China, congenital malformations born every year, plus defects that only appear months and years after birth, account for 4% to 6% of the total number of births each year.
Genetic counseling is a series of conversations and discussions between the consulting physician and the counseling object (the patient with a genetic disease or his family) on the occurrence of a certain genetic disease in the family, the risk of recurrence, the diagnosis and prevention and treatment of a certain genetic disease in the family. , So that the patient or his family members have a comprehensive understanding of the genetic disease and choose the most appropriate decision.
High-risk objects requiring genetic counseling include:
① Both spouses or family members suffer from certain genetic diseases or congenital malformations;
②Couples who have given birth to children with genetic diseases;
③Couples who have had children with unexplained mental retardation or congenital malformations;
④Couples with unexplained repeated miscarriages or stillbirths, stillbirths, etc.;
⑤ Couples who have been infertile for many years after marriage;
⑥ Senior couples over 35 years old;
⑦ Couples of childbearing age who have been exposed to adverse environmental factors for a long time;
⑧ Pregnant women who are exposed to adverse environmental factors during pregnancy and who suffer from certain diseases;
⑨Couples whose routine examination or common genetic disease screening finds abnormalities;
⑩Other situations that need consultation.