Accumulated employment period
Under what circumstances should an employer pay long service paymentto a helper?
Answer: An employer should pay long service payment to the helper if he/she has worked
1.Continuously for not less than 5 years, and : Is dismissed or the contract is not being renewed** by reason other than summary dismissal due to his/her serious misconduct or redundancy;
2.Is certified by a registered medical practitioner or a registered Chinese medicine practitioner as being permanently unfit for the present job and he/she resigns;
3.aged 65 or above and he/she resigns on ground of old age; or Dies in service.
Disclaimer: The above calculation results are for reference only. Sunlight Employment Agency makes no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy, completeness, and/or suitability for any particular purpose of such data. For a more accurate calculation of the actual amount, customers should calculate it themselves. Sunlight Employment Agencyshall not be liable for any legal consequences or payment arrangements arising from the calculation results.